Best Comedy PL

Świat według Kiepskich (The World According to the Kiepskis, "kiepski" being a term roughly translating to the English term poor or crappy) is a popular Polish television sitcom, produced by Polsat since 1999. The show follows the life of a dysfunctional Polish family from Wrocław, who live in an old apartment in Wrocław on 3/4 Ćwiartki street (in Polish Ćwiartka means 1/4 but it often refers to 1/4 of a litre bottle of vodka). Most episodes are centered on Ferdynand Kiepski, who tries to make various schemes to improve his financial or life situation, all of which ultimately fail. The series parodies the dynamics of Polish families in a similar style to the US series Married with Children which in Poland goes under the name Świat według Bundych (The World According To The Bundies); in many ways it inverts the dynamics of the Bundies. In many ways it is also inspired by The Simpsons.
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